It’s been a long time since I have had the opportunity to sit and write an update…to long perhaps? But it some ways, I intentionally and specifically waited until today as this is October 10th…seven years since the Lord called my Mother to His side as she finished her race on this earth after a five year battle against breast cancer.
So why did I want to wait until today? It wasn’t completely intentional, but the longer it took me to get this written, more was taking place here, and it seemed that much of what I had to share would have blessed the heart of my Mom. To see what is being done here now, would have brought her much peace and happiness! So, unintentionally intentional?
I have mentioned in past updates, the extensive amount of work needed on the main property and down at the lodge. It’s been a huge task and the list continued to grow…the barn needed painting, a new roof needed to be put on part of the shop, both sides of the main farmhouse had damage due to snow build up and ice melting…and the lodge? So much to be done!
Since moving here five years ago, we knew that in His time and according to His will, He would reveal to us what the plans were for the property and ongoing ministry. While waiting, we (primarily Keith) have been tackling one project at a time. We had some help from different ones coming over the years (so grateful!!) to assist on projects, but most of it still falls to Keith to take care of.
At our last Board Meeting in July, I thought it was time to establish what we saw as a vision for the current ministry on the farm. We felt as a Board that the property was a place for healing, restoration, strength and those who had come over the past years had experienced this in one way or another. But we also knew that the heart of my Dad for the property needed to be a part of the vison as well.
The Board talked at great length about the lodge. We knew action had to be taken soon or we risked that the lodge could potentially become so deteriorated, it could no longer be used.
Added to all this, we also talked about the impending arrival of a new family moving here in a few weeks, for an unknown amount of time…the impact of their coming we did not know until after they arrived. But I’ll share that piece in a moment!
But our primary focus was the lodge and our current options…one being to sell it or another, to give it away to another ministry who would fix it and use it. The lodge holds much sentimental value to me as this is where Dad thrived in his last days…holding teaching sessions for believers who came from all over, while my Mom did what she loved most…cooking and feeding those that came. I am emotionally attached to it!
Where did we go from there? At the end our our conversation, we made the decision to get four bids on what it would cost to repair the lodge and make a “to do” list of what needed to be done at the lodge. We also all agreed that IF and WHEN we got the lodge up and running, we would need a couple to oversee it and run it.
We tasked ourselves with writing a Vision Statement and I was to share my understanding of what Dad felt the Lord told him when he stepped onto the property over 40 years ago. I truly intended to get THIS update done sooner versus later to see who still had a heart for the lodge and future ministry happening again there.
Big goals set for our current Board to accomplish! Keith and myself serve with Rick and Billie Jean Weinert and Jessica Gunning…three voting, two non voting members…and hopefully soon a new member to join us! He has much to offer and will be a great addition if he is voted in. All of our Board Members are wonderful we are blessed by the support and encouragement they bring.
And as usual, things never go according to what we plan…but God had a plan! Our own good intentions to get things accomplished were put on the back burner in late August as our lives were about to change drastically! We were heading to Missouri.
Keith’s 102 year old (she turned 103 yesterday!) Grandmother now lives with us, as the care she was receiving in a nursing home had come to the point where we felt it was no longer a safe option for her to stay there.
Caring for her is now a priority for us. I resigned my former position and have been blessed with a new job that allows me to work from primarily from home, around her schedule and Keith’s. BIG changes in our home!
Which leads me to share about the other big change here…our new family! David, Jolynn and their son Walter, who arrived in early August. Jolynn is Rick and Billie Jean’s daughter. We had little to offer them but the old trailer that used to be the home of Mama Pearl. It wasn’t much, but it was a place they could make into a home.
We knew that we were to offer them a place to stay for as long as they chose to stay. We were told that David was very handy and would be able to help, but we did not want to place any expectations on him.
And what a blessing we received. David and Jolynn have been such a help. David has become Keith’s right hand and taken on many of the repairs and projects that needed to get done. We needed them as much as they needed us/this place, according to both David and Jolynn!
More has been done in the last six weeks than what I thought was possible to accomplish! The damage to the farmhouse from the snow and ice is nearly completed, the barn painting has been started, the roof on the shop is now replaced, the garage is neat as a pin and clean up is being planned and started at the lodge. It’s all beyond amazing!
David sent me pictures today that I am going to share with you, but his comment was…”what a wonderful place to make a kind of heaven on earth, thank you for letting us be a part of this vision.” God had a plan. We offered a home (that they have beautifully fixed and made their own!) and in return, they have invested fully of themselves, to bring life back to the property…something we could not do on our own.
Chaos is being brought to order. Our personal lives are busier than ever, BUT as the work is being done here…I can just see how my Mom’s heart would be overflowing with joy as THIS is what she wanted…to see the property be maintained and welcoming, to let those that come here find peace and rest, to offer hope and healing to any who may have felt lost and in need of a chance to catch their breath.
According to His plan…His purpose…His timing…we will continue on this path and believe for Him to to reveal to us His heart for the ministry here. It won’t be what it was before, but we are encouraged at what is taking place.
Nothing has been finalized yet with the lodge, but if we move forward, would you you pray with us and see what your part might be? Winter will be here before any of us know it, but could it be that God has a plan for YOU to be part of whatever the next chapter could be here at Ben Israel?
We will be sharing more in the months to come, including what we see as the current vision and ministry here. We, as a Board, will be revisiting on all of this and share with you any plans as they unfold!
Until then, keep us in your prayers! All of us living here appreciate each of you who have provided support in prayer, words of encouragement, time spent here to help, and financially. We are truly blessed and thankful…
In His grace,

I think Sarah might want her window back!

So THANKFUL for all that has been done…more to come! Thank you for walking on this journey with us.
Show me the wonders of your great love, you who save by your right hand those who take refuge in you from their foes. Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings