He is risen, He is risen indeed!

Hello everyone from THE FARM!

Yes, we are back on the property after living in town for 15 months! We are not in the farmhouse yet, but are at present staying in the small cabin which is located right next to the farmhouse. It has been a long time since I have paused and written an update, and it felt like today was the right time to start again!

Though moving back into an even smaller space has come with it’s own challenges, we know that this is temporary and only for a short season. We are HOPING the house will be done by the first of June. With the weather getting “warmer”, we felt it was wisdom for us to return to the property and be able to spend time on the house while attending to other needs on the farm.

Many know how Minnesota Winter’s can be, so having multiple snow storms after moving into the cabin really should not have come as any surprise and you just go with it, day by day.

It’s good to be home. Good to be back on the property. Good to breathe in the air and have the cabin flooded with light, even on cloudy days. It’s good to sit up in the office and look out the same window Dad would have, when he was reading or writing or just listening to what the Lord wanted him to do next.

It’s the goodness of God, in all that He does for us. His sacrifice on the cross gave us all that we could ever want or need in life that will be everlasting, where there will be no more sorrow, no more pain, no more loss, no more tears.

I have a new friend who’s ministry is to care for those who have experienced deep loss and are mourning as she understands deep loss due to what she has personally experienced. It has caused me on more that one occasion to stop and reflect on the losses that we have walked through. And here we are, pressing on…life, hope, everlasting mercy, seeking the joy He gives that comes in the mourning.

I wanted to share something that was really an eye opener from my brother David, my older brother for those that my not know David. I sent him a message this morning to wish him a happy Easter. We had been able to spend a few short moments together yesterday and were just catching up.

His response back at first stopped me in my thoughts and then then it all became clear. Here is what he wrote…

“Blessed morning, according to the hebraic calendar today they would be preparing the lamb after having it in the house for four days we’re all to lay their hands on it and impart their sins to it. I was thinking about your statement that you guys are just caretakers… dad told me he was handing you the reins, not the lead rope. Reins are used to steer and set directions. The lead rope would be given to take the horse to the stall for caretaking. He gave you the reins.”

I never knew that Dad had that conversation with David, It meant a lot coming from him. I know how my father felt about certain things and I was gong to do my part to help in any way possible.

And as I read his words again, it made sense in my heart what he was trying to convey. He handed us the reins to steer and get direction.

Please keep your prayers going for us, for wisdom and for guidance. This past year has been challenging, but we know to stand strong and fight any feeling of defeat….because He lives, we CAN face tomorrow, and all we have and do is because of Him.

In His love and grace,

Keith and Sissie (Katz) Pennel